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QuickBMS通用文件提取器和重新导入器0.9.2 (quickbms)




  • 开源和多平台,在Windows(甚至Win98)和GNU / Linux(x86和PPC)上测试
  • 从命令行和GUI工作(仅限Windows,只需双击quickbms.exe)
  • 重新导入和重新导入2模式,用于将修改后的文件重新注入存档
  • 支持大量加密算法,甚至是一些专有算法
  • 支持大量压缩算法(超过700),甚至是一些专有算法
  • 支持大量的哈希算法
  • 支持其他类型的算法(如base64)和/或混淆(xor,rot等)
  • 支持使用几乎任何已知的调用约定调用DLL和原始转储函数
  • 支持位操作和可切换的小/大端
  • 简单和动态的语言,允许进行许多操作,减少无法轻易支持的档案和格式的百分比
  • 详细选项(-V),用于在反转和测试文件格式期间显示所有需要的详细信息
  • HTML输出(-H)自动将颜色和名称应用于在脚本使用过程中解析的字段:q3infoboom.zip上的zip.bms示例
  • 将该工具用作压缩,加密和crc /校验和算法的盲扫描器的可能性
  • 支持网络套接字,SSL和http / https
  • 支持其他替代输入/输出接口,如进程(包括调试和自动断点恢复),音频,视频和Windows消息
  • 支持可视化和创建各种类型的数据,如x86程序集,IP地址,time_t,FILETIME,ClassID等
  • 支持类似C的结构和基本语法,以便轻松处理文件格式
  • 通过EXECUTE方法支持任何命令行解压缩器/解密器/ anything_else(Comtype和Encryption命令)
  • 读写操作
  • quickbms_4gb_files.exe是一个原生的32位程序,所有变量设置为64位在某些情况下都很有用
  • 计划中的未来发展将涵盖逆向工程师和高级用户的更多高级功能
  • 可定制的CRC引擎
  • 大量脚本支持数百种文件格式和数千种游戏
  • 实验游戏本地化(字符串编辑)
  • 创建ISO映像和ZIP存档作为替代输出
  • 嵌入式C编译器在运行时使用C函数
  • 实验IPC接口:命名管道,邮件槽,web和DLL
  • 支持Total Commander的WCX打包器插件

源代码/ Linux:

  • quickbms_src.zip


  • quickbms.txt

  • quickbms_crc_engine.txt

  • userDefineLang.xml Notepad ++的

  • 包中有changelog.txt



  • BMS


  • RSS

逆向工程的特殊脚本:( 如果您不知道自己在做什么,

  • QuickBMS comtype scanner 2:原始未知压缩数据文件上的压缩算法扫描程序:
    comtype_scan2.bms + comtype_scan2.bat(0.1.1b)

    • 使用grep搜索预期的字符串,例如,如果您希望wav文件使用grep -rs RIFF c:\ output_folder
    • 从最大的文件开始验证过程
    • 删除大小小于原始文件的文件
    • 确定输出文件后,在源文件src \ defs.h中搜索其编号
    • comtype_scan2.bat comtype_scan2.bms dump.dat c:\ output_folder

    • comtype_scan2.bat comtype_scan2.bms dump.dat c:\ output_folder 0x112233

    • 有关图形的逐步检查此页面
    • 将压缩数据转储到新文件中,可能使用十六进制编辑器(您可以将此文件称为dump.dat)
    • 创建一个新文件夹(例如c:\ output_folder)
    • 将comtype_scan2.bat,comtype_scan2.bms和quickbms.exe放在同一个文件夹中
    • 从命令行类型:
    • 在此过程中,当你看到quickbms停顿/冻结几秒钟时你必须按CTRL-C并在Windows会问你“终止批处理作业(Y / N)?”时回答N.
    • 整个过程不到一分钟
    • 进入输出文件夹并使用十六进制编辑器验证所有创建的文件
    • 有一些技巧可以让这项工作变得更容易:
  • QuickBMS加密扫描器0.2:使用密钥和原始数据文件上的可选ivec提供的各种加密算法的扫描程序:
    encryption_scan.bms + encryption_scan.bat(0.2)

    • 除了输出文件的可选大小之外,其用法与之前相同,因为没有这样的参数
  • CRC扫描仪:各种crc /校验和算法的扫描仪:

    • quickbms crc_scan.bms dump.dat> crc.txt
    • 转储要在新文件中计算校验和的数据,也许使用十六进制编辑器(可以调用此文件dump.dat)
    • 从命令行类型:
    • 打开文件crc.txt并搜索您期望的校验和以及生成它的相对设置,结果包括校验和和具有反向字节的相同校验和以便于搜索
  • ZIP密码扫描程序 - zipcrypto:
    • quickbms zip_pwd_scan.bms gamefile.zip
    • exestringz -q 1 game.exe passwords_list.txt
    • exestringz -b -q 1 game.exe passwords_list.txt
    • 字符串game.exe> passwords_list.txt
    • 解压缩游戏可执行文件如果它被打包/保护,你也可以转储进程(例如使用dumproc
    • 运行字符串工具,将输出重定向到passwords_list.txt:
    • 您也可以使用我的Exestringz工具扫描可执行文件,如果第一个不起作用,您可以尝试两种方法:

    • 从命令行类型:
    • 如果找到密码,您将看到“找到密码”消息





QuickBMS generic files extractor and reimporter 0.9.2 (quickbms)
universal s cript based files extractor and reimporter.
QuickBMS supports tons of games and file formats, archives, encryptions, compressions, obfuscations and other algorithms.

QuickBMS uses a minimalistic GUI if the executable is double-clicked (launched normally) or from command-line if launched from the console, by using this second mode or a link to the executable it's possible to activate many useful and advanced options.

the idea was born from the need of a simple and fast solution for handling the archives used by the majority of games without wasting time writing a stand-alone tool with tons of C code just for a basic file format.
so this tool has been created mainly for myself for creating my extractors quickly on the fly, and secondly for any other user who wants do the same without learning a real programming language.
the BMS language is basic, easy to use and exists from over 10 years, what I did was simply enhancing it for my personal requirements and making the life easier when handling complex archives and file formats.


  • open source and multiplatform, tested on Windows (even Win98) and GNU/Linux (x86 and PPC)
  • works from both command-line and GUI (Windows only, just double-click on quickbms.exe)
  • reimport and reimport2 modes for reinjecting the modified files back to the archives
  • support for tons of encryption algorithms, even some proprietary ones
  • support for tons of compression algorithms (over 700), even some proprietary ones
  • support for tons of hashing algorithms
  • support for other types of algorithms (like base64) and/or obfuscations (xor, rot and so on)
  • support for calling DLLs and raw dumped functions with almost any known calling convention
  • support for bits operation and switchable little/big endian
  • simple and dynamic language that allows to make many operations reducing the percentage of archives and formats that can't be supported easily
  • verbose option (-V) that displays all the needed details during reversing and testing of file formats
  • HTML output (-H) that automatically applies colors and names to the fields parsed during the usage of the s cripts: example for zip.bms on q3infoboom.zip
  • possibility to use the tool as a blind scanner of compression, encryption and crc/checksum algorithms
  • support for network sockets, SSL and http/https
  • support for other alternative input/output interfaces like processes (included debugging and automatic breakpoint restoring), audio, video and Windows messages
  • support for the visualization and creation of various types of data like x86 assembly, IP addresses, time_t, FILETIME, ClassID and more
  • support for C-like structures and basic syntax for easy handling of file formats
  • support for any command-line decompressor/decrypter/anything_else via the EXECUTE method (Comtype and Encryption commands)
  • read and write operations
  • quickbms_4gb_files.exe is a native 32bit program with all the variables set as 64bit useful in some situations
  • planned future development that will cover more advanced features for reverse engineers and power users
  • customizable CRC engine
  • tons of s cripts supporting hundreds of file formats and thousands of games
  • experimental games localization (strings editing)
  • creation of ISO images and ZIP archives as alternative outputs
  • embedded C compiler to use C functions at runtime
  • experimental IPC interfaces: named pipes, mailslot, web and dll
  • support for the WCX packer plugins of Total Commander

Source Code / Linux:

  • quickbms_src.zip
    the full source code of the tool, it's separated from the executables to reduce the size of the download and avoiding confusion to the users.
    on Linux it's enough to go in the src folder and launch make.


  • quickbms.txt
    the first 3 sections are intended for any user while the rest is ONLY for developers and advanced users who want to understand and write s cripts for QuickBMS.

  • quickbms_crc_engine.txt
    How to use the CRC calculation engine embedded in QuickBMS for calculating custom checksums.

  • userDefineLang.xml
    BMS syntax highlighting for Notepad++ (latest update: 18 Mar 2017)

  • a changelog.txt is available inside the package

Support, help, feedback and suggestions:

Search magics and signs:

  • BMS Search
    search keywords inside my BMS s cripts.
    if you don't know the correct s cript, open your archive/file with a hex editor and check if there is a string (usually 4 bytes) at the beginning and insert it in the search form.

Feeds with the latest s cripts:

  • RSS
    new and updated s cripts

Special s cripts for reverse engineering:
(do NOT use them if you don't know what you are doing!):

  • QuickBMS comtype scanner 2: scanner of compression algorithms on a raw unknown compressed data file:
    comtype_scan2.bms + comtype_scan2.bat (0.1.1b)
    How to use:

    • search for an expected string with grep, for example if you expect a wav file use grep -rs RIFF c:\output_folder
    • start the verification process from the biggest files
    • remove the files that have a size smaller than the original file
    • when you have identified the output file, search its number in the source file src\defs.h
    • comtype_scan2.bat comtype_scan2.bms dump.dat c:\output_folder
      if you already know the decompressed size (for example 0x112233), use:

    • comtype_scan2.bat comtype_scan2.bms dump.dat c:\output_folder 0x112233

    • for a graphical step-by-step check this page
    • dump the compressed data in a new file, maybe using a hex editor (you can call this file dump.dat)
    • create a new folder (for example c:\output_folder)
    • put comtype_scan2.bat, comtype_scan2.bms and quickbms.exe in the same folder
    • from the command-line type:
    • during this process you must press CTRL-C when you see quickbms stalled/freezed for some seconds and answer N when Windows will ask you "Terminate batch job (Y/N)?"
    • the whole process will take less than one minute
    • go in the output folder and verify all the created file with a hex editor
    • there are some tricks to make this work easier:
  • QuickBMS encryption scanner 0.2: scanner of the various encryption algorithms available using a key and an optional ivec on a raw data file:
    encryption_scan.bms + encryption_scan.bat (0.2)
    How to use:

    • The usage is the same as before, except for the optional size of the output file because there is no such parameter
  • CRC scanner: scanner of various crc/checksum algorithms:
    crc_scan.bms (0.1.2a)
    How to use:

    • quickbms crc_scan.bms dump.dat > crc.txt
    • dump the data on which you want to calculate the checksum in a new file, maybe using a hex editor (you can call this file dump.dat)
    • from the command-line type:
    • open the file crc.txt and search the checksum you were expecting and the relative settings to generate it, the result includes both the checksum and the same checksum with reversed endianess for easy search
  • ZIP password scanner - zipcrypto:
    zip_pwd_scan.bms (0.1)
    How to use, if you want to take the zip password of a game:
    • quickbms zip_pwd_scan.bms gamefile.zip
    • exestringz -q 1 game.exe passwords_list.txt
    • exestringz -b -q 1 game.exe passwords_list.txt
    • strings game.exe > passwords_list.txt
    • unpack the game executable if it's packed/protected, you can also dump the process (for example using dumproc)
    • run the strings tool over the executable redirecting the output to passwords_list.txt:
    • you can also use my Exestringz tool for scanning the executable and you can try two methods in case the first doesn't work:

    • from the command-line type:
    • if it finds the password you will see a "password found" message

Compiled versions of QuickBMS:

Usage and examples:

Whole collection of s cripts available on this page:

  • quickbms_s cripts.zip
    A daily made ZIP archive containing ALL the s cripts on this page. One link to rule them all!

QuickBMS is ever open to crazy ideas and suggestions so feel free to contact me with any feedback.

生化危机2重制版PAK拆包工具更新时间:2019-02-07 03:28:04    大小:9.99 MB    类型:本地下载


1.版本号: 1.0   更新时间: 2019-02-07 02:35:31

